
A moving robot with a robot arm is a sub-class of robotic arms. They work just like other robotic arms, but the DOF of the vehicle is added to the DOF of the arm. We have a differential drive robot (2 DOF) with a robot arm (5 DOF) attached that would give the robot arm a total sum of 7 DOF
Track belt and Track Wheels:
Track belts used for rover.which provide better grip.is made of ruber . it has dimention of 1"width and 2' length.
DC Motor Specification:
Control System: H-Bridge Circuit
Operating Voltage: 3.0-12.0 Volts
Operating Temperature Range: -20 to +60 Degree C
Operating Speed (12V): 100RPM at no load
Current Drain (12V): 600mA no load operating
Direction: Clockwise/Anticlockwise
Motor Type: Geared DC
Gear Type: Metallic
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