Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The robotic arm was designed to resemble the human arm that is able to grip, pick and place various objects. The design of robotic arm involves few major components which include the rotating base, shoulder, elbow, wrist and gripper The arm is the main structure consisting of a mechanical structure, servomotors, and power supply. The arm is a 5 axis robotic manipulator consisting of a rotating base, three links and a gripper.
The five axes consist of the following:
• Shoulder, elbow, wrist (vertical movement)
• An axis at the base (horizontal movement)
• Finger (gripping movement)
The main considerations taken during the design process was to design a robotic arm that assembles the human arm, able to stand alone, size should be similar and not too bulky,light and the overall cost should be low.

The design of the rotating base:

It consists of metal plates attached to the left and right side. The is hollow to reduce material usage and the overall weight. The base of the robotic base is attached on a geared dc motor to provide base rotation with the help of wooden wheel . This is needed to support the entire weight of the robotic arm and objects that is gripped with the gripper. The servo motors used for movements of the arm are able to rotate to a maximum 180 degrees.

The design of the shoulder:

The design of the shoulder fully assembles the human arm. The metal plates used to connect the left side and right side is designed to have smaller dimension that does to cover the entire length of the sides. The movement of the shoulder is supported by two large-scale servo motor working together simultaneously. These motors are also able to move 180 degrees.

The design of the elbow:

As for the elbow, it is only supported by a single servo motor as the weight it need to support is much reduced. It only needs to support the wrist and the gripper and it is mounted to one side of the elbow assembly. The other side is supported by a smooth spring attached to the shoulder Spring Contact it does not cause much friction and unwanted noise that might appear when two parts collide with each other.

The design of the wrist and the gripper:

The wrist is made up of standard servo motors which One more servo is attached side by side are to move the wrist by 90 degrees and the servo attached at the top is to control the movement of the gripper. The wrist was designed as light as possible as it is supported by standard servos.

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